Friday, June 5, 2009


North Canton community activist and former city councilman Chuck Osborne and current North Canton City Council president Daryl Revoldt have been sparing for years on various issues that have come before the local legislative body.

The picture above show the two going at it at the North Canton Civic Center at an October, 2008 community meeting.

So far they have agreed to disagree and, for the most part, have remained civil to one another. However, the acrimony has increased in recent months and Osborne says he hasn't talked with Revoldt on a one-to-one basis on North Canton issues for several months.

The strained relationship got even worse this week with the publication (Osborne first saw a copy on June 3rd) of a story in a local newspaper called Our Town. The story was written by Dottie McGrew.

North Canton officials have been working "quietly" on some ideas in connection with the development of the Hoover campus which Maple Street Commerce LLC is developing into facility to house business and industry. The goal is to replace jobs lost when the Hoover Company slowly went out of business over several cycles of being bought and sold until there were no more buyers willing to keep any of the Hoover jobs in the North Canton facility.

One of North Canton's ideas was to relocate East Maple Street running east and west along the south edge of the Hoover facility. For more details on the plan CLICK HERE to see a prior blog that sketches out the idea complete with a map of the proposed relocation.

Here is the point that things get more dicy between Osborne and Revoldt in the light of McGrew's piece "Changing Times Possible For Local Traffic (sic)."

The SCPR has put together a side-by-side table to show the divergence between Revoldt assertions in the story (as well as a statement made by McGrew) and The Report's understanding of Osborne's response. The Report had been told by Osborne he is passing the Our Town story by legal counsel for an assessment of whether or not counsel thinks actionable defamation is present.
Stay tuned folks, This matter could get very, very interesting.

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