Friday, June 27, 2008


The STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) has had some very interesting conversations of late.

First, with a member of United Steel Workers 9187 who is livid with Harmon over the commissioners' disparate treatment (from the perspective of union members), in terms of discipline, between Stark County Jobs and Family Services agency headed by Beth Whitmore and 9187 union head Tom Davidson.

The union appears to be taking its ire out on Commissioner Tom Harmon. According to The Report's source, USW 9187 will not be backing Harmon in the November election, and, carrying their unhappiness further, plan to campaign for Harmon's opponent Republican Travis Secrest.

Second, with the organizer of PUAMA (People United Against Massillon Annexation), Mike Moore. PUAMA has been organized to defeat Harmon because he has supported Massillon annexation of Tuscarawas Township properties.

Moore says that so far PUAMA has signed up 641 supporters, mostly Democrats (50 or 60 of whom are from Lawrence Township). He says that they will actively campaign for Travis Secrest with voter registration drives from the ranks of high school seniors at Tuslaw High School, Northwest High and Fairliess High. PUAMA will be holding a fundraiser for Secrest on the last Sunday in July.

PUAMA plans to expand its effort into Jackson and Perry Townships.

Moore referenced a comment by Secrest saying "There are too many brown areas in Massillon now."

The question: Is Tom Harmon on his way out by his own hand?

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