UPDATE: 03/24/2009 AT 9:35 A.M.
The STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) spoke with Chief Devies this morning on a number of topics:
First: Devies is deeply appreciative that this friends and neighbors have come to his aid. His legal bills will be huge and he has already begun selling some of his prized possessions to come up with the cash to pay them.
Second: He relayed to The Report that Chief Deputy Rick Perez was rude to his son Kyle when Perez served grand jury papers on him Friday. The Report wonders? Does Sheriff Tim Swanson have control of this chief deputy. It is one thing to have a job to do. It is quite another for a public official to be rude. Swanson needs to get a grip on Perez.
Third: Devies suspects that his strong support of Republican Larry Dordea when he ran against Tim Swanson in November, 2008 has something to do with his current troubles. But Devies vows to be front and center against Swanson and Stark County Prosecutor John Ferrero (who ran unopposed in 2008) come 2012.
The Report believes that there is only one problem for Devies here and his 2012 plans. Swanson, already has retired only to run again, is not likely to seek re-election in 2012. Ferrero, in the judgment of The Report, is a different story. He is likely to run again. But this time the Stark Republicans hopefully will have their act together and have someone run against him.
The Report believes that Ferrero is a classic case of an elected official who takes too much at having been unopposed. It appears that he feels he does not have to be responsive to the Stark County citizenry.
For background on the Devies/Marlboro Township trustees clash, search on the name "Devies" in the search box on this upper right hand corner of this blog site.
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