The color depictions are reverse (red for Democrat Bosley; blue for Republican Travis Secrest), but a Stark County local government elected Republican used "Little Big Horn" to describe what this STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT 'S (The Report - SCRP) source thinks would happen in a Secrest and Bosley head-to-head, if it materializes in 2010.
It appears as of now that no other Stark County Republican wants to tangle with Bosley.
Along with The Report, the source likes Secrest but mused on the likelihood that Secrest could find himself emulating the Zeigler model of getting elected to office were he to take up the charge against sitting Commissioner Bosley.
The Report has heard various reports on the actual number of times that Treasurer Gary Zeigler ran before coming home a winner. Suffice it to say, God Bless his persistence, Gary ran a lot before "bingo!" was called at his election night party.

Secrest has run for public office twice so far. One for Canton Township trustee (losing by a mere 103 votes) and by substantially more to long time Stark County politician Tom Harmon in a 2008 race for county commissioner.
If the Zeigler model is the way Secrest chooses, then a race against Bosley makes sense.
lf his desire is otherwise, then maybe he ought to choose a more winnable race.
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