How's that?
Well, first he is proving that he is no better than his predecessor Curt Braden in making Stark County a politically competitive county. Witness the city of Canton council-at-large races: NOT ONE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE! With all the problems that Canton is experiencing, this would seem to be an opportune time for Canton Republicans to advantage themselves and, co-incidentally, Cantonians.
But Stark Republicans under the Braden/Matthews leadership team are a sorry lot. Sure it would be hard work to rehab the Republican Party in the heavily registered Democratic city, but are Braden and Matthews political pros who take on the heavy political lifting or are they merely political light weights looking for "pie from the - political - sky?"
Secondly, being the quintessential hypocrite he is, Matthews never said anything critical about what that Congressman Ralph Regula did in delivering the congressional port to Stark County, but now a Democrat is in office he's all mouth.
Here is what Matthews had to say about "bringing the bacon home" now that Democrat Boccieri is congressman today's Rep - Bill sends $9M in earmarks to Stark County, March 11 (online) Robert Wang:
“Everyone likes pork, when it’s their own,” ... “They don’t like other district’s pork. Every congressman can justify the pork for their own district. At some point, we have to say no.” (emphasis added)Local Republicans have told the STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) that there is not a hair's worth of difference between Matthews and his predecessor Curt Braden.
On May 14, 2009 The Report published a piece naming Curt Braden as being Stark County's #1 political hypocrite. CLICK HERE TO SEE THAT BLOG The Report noted in the article that while Braden could criticize Ohio Democrats and Marc Dann he was no where to be seen when political corruption was rampant in Republican ranks (Noe, the Taft administration and the then Congressman Bob Ney).
Well, with his flip-flopping on congressional pork-barreling depending if a Republican or Democrat holds the office, Stark County Republican chair Jeff Matthews demonstrates that he is following identically in Curt Braden's footpath.
Meanwhile the Stark County Republican Party Executive Committee just sits idly by and allows the Stark GOP to atrophy into a big nothing.
If it were just the Republican Party fate, who would care?
But its not. Stark County and Canton suffer from the lack of political competition.
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